% of Sun
Change the "percent Sun" to choose brightness compared to our Sun, with values ranging from 60% to 110%.
- Dimmest Sun (60%)
- Faint Young Sun (70%)
- Dimmer Sun (80%)
- Dim Sun (90%)
- Normal Sun (100%)
- Extra Bright Sun (110%)
Change the "percent Sun" to choose brightness compared to our Sun, with values ranging from 60% to 110%.
What would your planet's albedo be if the planet was entirely covered with forests? or oceans? or ice sheets? Use the "Pick a surface..." menu to cover your planet with common surface types.
Estimates of the precise albedo for a given surface vary substantially in the published literature. Most sources list a range of values, such as 80-95% for fresh snow. Different sources sometimes list different values for a given surface type. For reference, here are some examples: