Can you bring lots of snow to the east side of the Rocky Mountains?
These big storms, called upslope snow storms, form when high and low pressure systems are in specific locations.
Upslope snow storms develop when air flows upslope toward the mountains. As cold moist air rises, it cools and condenses, and snow forms. Areas with very moist upslope flow are prone to very heavy snowfall.
This is a center of high pressure at Earth's surface, surrounded on all sides by lower pressure. High pressure systems often prevent cloudy skies and precipitation. Air sinks and moves clockwise around the center in the northern hemisphere, and counterclockwise in the southern hemisphere.
This is a center of low pressure at Earth's surface surrounded on all sides by higher pressure. Storm systems are associated with low pressure systems that often produce cloudy skies and precipitation. Air rises in the vicinity of low pressure systems. It moves counterclockwise around the center in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere.
Click the circles to place the high and low pressure systems, then press Go.
Great! For an upslope snow storm, high pressure is in the north and low pressure is in the south.
Press next to proceed.
You must place the Low and High pressure system to proceed.
Not quite. Reverse the pieces and press Go
(than freezing)
(than freezing)