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History of GLOBE Weather

GLOBE Weather was developed to meet a national need for instructional materials that are responsive to the performance expectations articulated in the NGSS. NASA answered the call by funding the development of GLOBE Weather in order to meet this need and introduce teachers and students to the GLOBE Program (, the GLOBE Protocols used to collect data, and data from the GLOBE database. Initiated in 2017, GLOBE Weather underwent two years of development. The curriculum was field tested twice, in the fall of 2017 and the fall of 2018, each time by twelve middle school teachers from around the United States who provided essential constructive feedback and student work samples that informed revisions.

Meet our field test teachers.

Combining the skills of educational resource developers from the UCAR Center for Science Education with BSCS Science Learning’s curriculum design tools and processes from the American Museum of Natural History, GLOBE Weather represents a new approach for students to learn about weather phenomena that builds on prior knowledge and focuses on developing and iterating on models and analyzing data. The unit also leverages the existing suite of GLOBE science protocols and GLOBE data collected around the world. GLOBE Weather was designed to meet the needs of teachers who are already part of the GLOBE community and teachers who are not already actively involved in GLOBE. Input and feedback from the GLOBE Weather advisory board, the GLOBE Implementation Office, our NASA program officers, and the GLOBE community helped inform the project and products.

GLOBE Weather was developed by staff and contractors from the following organizations.


UCAR Center for Science Education

The UCAR Center for Science Education (UCAR SciEd) helps people of all ages learn about, understand, value, and apply geoscience in their daily lives. UCAR SciEd aims to reach K-12 educators, university faculty, students, and the public through excellence in educational programs, experiences, and educational resources. UCAR SciEd is a program of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) and is associated with the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).


The GLOBE Program

The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program is an international science and education program that provides students and the public worldwide with the opportunity to participate in data collection and the scientific process, and contribute meaningfully to our understanding of the Earth system and global environment. Announced by the U.S. Government on Earth Day in 1994, GLOBE launched its worldwide implementation in 1995. The GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO) provides high-quality support to the worldwide GLOBE community to promote increased and enhanced participation in GLOBE. Sponsored through a NASA cooperative agreement award to the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) in Boulder, Colorado, USA, the GIO collaborates with the GLOBE Working Groups in the areas of science, education, evaluation, and technology to support community initiatives, the development of new science and education content, and other tools.


BSCS Science Learning

BSCS Science Learning is an independent nonprofit dedicated to transforming science education through research-driven innovation. BSCS creates instructional materials, provides professional learning programs for teachers, spearheads leadership development programs for schools and districts, and conducts research on how to improve science teaching and learning.



Major funding for the GLOBE Program and the GLOBE Weather instructional unit comes from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The GLOBE Weather curriculum was supported by NASA under award #NNX17AD75G.


Terms of Use

Use of GLOBE Weather is granted under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. A summary of this license can be found at the following URL: The complete legal terms of this license can be found at