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GLOBE Weather Professional Development Workshops

teacher listening to the presenter at a GLOBE Weather workshop

Interested in a GLOBE Weather Workshop for your district?

Depending on timing and availability, the UCAR Center for Science Education can come to your location and offer a professional development workshop for 10-20 teachers. Below are some options for the different types of workshops offered. Costs for each of these vary depending on the total number of participants, length of the workshop, and travel to your location. If interested in scheduling a workshop, or if you have additional questions, please contact


Options for GLOBE Weather Workshops
1 Day Workshop 2 Day Workshop 3 Day Workshop
Overview and Structure of the GLOBE Weather Curriculum Overview and Structure of the GLOBE Weather Curriculum Overview and Structure of the GLOBE Weather Curriculum
Opportunities to briefly try out a few activities Opportunities to briefly try out all activities Opportunities to try out all activities
Brief overview of NGSS Brief overview of NGSS and teaching strategies Overview of NGSS with examples of a variety of teaching strategies and resources
Brief overview of the GLOBE program Brief overview of the GLOBE program and to try one GLOBE Protocol  Try out the GLOBE Weather Protocols, and the option to become certified with the GLOBE program
2 UCAR facilitators 2 UCAR facilitators 2 UCAR facilitators
A printed copy of the curriculum for each teacher A printed copy of the curriculum for each teacher A printed copy of the curriculum for each teacher


 View our past GLOBE Weather Workshops for archived resources and workshop agendas.


Workshop Photos

group of teachers at a GLOBE Weather workshop     

teacher recording surface temperature data

teacher working together on creating consensus models        

Educators observing the bottle model activity     

A UCAR facilitator explains a GLOBE Weather activity to a small group        

Consensus model of how and why does air move in the tropics

teacher taking a surface temperature measurement        

teachers discussing productive talk in small groups

educators working together on a GLOBE Weather activity        

GLOBE Weather teachers doing an outdoor activity