Past GLOBE Weather Workshops
UCAR educators shared GLOBE Weather at several multi-day workshops. Through these workshops, teachers were trained to help students understand NGSS-based weather concepts such as the uneven heating of the Earth, local and global atmospheric circulation, and air mass formation and collision.
Below are the archived resources shared at these workshops. All curriculum materials can be found on the GLOBE Weather Curriculum website.
Archived workshop resources:
GLOBE Weather Workshop at Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Denver (March 6-7, 2020)
- DMNS slides (ppt)
- DMNS Resource Sheet
- DMNS Agendas
- Weather Misconceptions Activity
- Talkscience Primer (excerpt)
- Sentence stems
- Talk Moves Checklist
- NGSS Science Practices
- I2 Strategy for Interpreting Graphs
- GLOBE Sky Conditions/Surface Temperature Data Collection Sheet
- Assessment Pre-screener -Task Annotation Project
- Globe Weather Supply List with URLs
GLOBE Weather Workshop at Queens College, New York (February 18-20, 2020)
- Queens College slides (ppt)
- Queens College Agendas
- Queens College Resource Sheet
- Weather Misconceptions Activity
- Talk Science Primer (excerpt)
- Talk Moves Checklist
- NGSS Science Practices
- Sentence Stems
- Note Capture Tool
- I2 Strategy for Interpreting Graphs
- GLOBE Sky Conditions/Surface Temperature Data Collection Sheet
- Relative Humidity Chart
- Assessment Pre-screener
- GLOBE Weather Supply list with URLs
GLOBE Weather Train the Trainer Workshop at UCAR-Boulder, Colorado (September 25-26, 2019)
- UCAR Train the Trainer Workshop Slides
- UCAR-Boulder Resource Sheet
- UCAR-Boulder Agendas
- Note Capture Tool
- Implementation Planning Guide
- Talk Science Primer (excerpt)
- Talk Moves Checklist
- NGSS Science Practices
- Sentence Stems
- I2 Strategy for Interpreting Graphs
- Model Idea Tracker
- Coaching Prompts
- Sample Facilitation Outline for a GLOBE Weather Teacher Workshop
- GLOBE Weather Supply list with URLs
GLOBE Weather Workshop at NASA-Langley (August 19-21, 2019)
- NASA-Langley slides Day 1
- NASA-Langley slides Day 2
- NASA-Langley slides Day 3
- NASA-Langley Resource Sheet
- NASA-Langley Agendas
- Weather Misconceptions Activity
- Talk Science Primer (excerpt)
- Talk Moves Checklist
- NGSS Science Practices
- Sentence Stems
- I2 Strategy for Interpreting Graphs
- GLOBE Weather Supply list with URLs
GLOBE Weather Workshop at SUNY-Fredonia (August 19-21, 2019)
- SUNY-Fredonia slides (ppt)
- SUNY-Fredonia Resource Sheet
- SUNY-Fredonia Agendas
- Weather Misconceptions Activity
- Talk Science Primer (excerpt)
- Talk Moves Checklist
- NGSS Science Practices
- Sentence Stems
- I2 Strategy for Interpreting Graphs
- GLOBE Weather Supply List with URLs