GLOBE Data Explorations
All activities can be downloaded for free from this page and the (link is external)GLOBE Data Exploration book is available from Amazon.
GLOBE Data Explorations are classroom activities developed by the UCAR Center for Science Education, a GLOBE Partner, to help students learn how to analyze GLOBE environmental data while also learning atmospheric science concepts and geography. The nine activities were reviewed by science educators and staff at the GLOBE Implementation Office and field tested by teachers.
Activities that are listed with an asterisks (*) have an option to get students analyzing data in spreadsheets. The spreadsheet file (and an answer key) are listed below the activity description. Click on the filenames and download the spreadsheets. If you will have your students use Microsoft Excel, then these files will be used as they are. If you will be having your students use Google Sheets, download these files and upload them into your Google Drive.
Getting Your Feet Wet With GLOBE Data (middle school activities)
Iowa’s Highs and Lows: Students interpret a frequency distribution of GLOBE temperature data to decide whether statements about the weather are accurate, citing the parts of the graph they used as the basis of their decision.
Make a Climograph: Students learn how to construct, read, and analyze climographs and understand how climate differs from weather.
Climate and Latitude: Students match GLOBE temperature data with its location given what they know about the relationship between latitude and seasonal temperature variations.
GLOBE Data at Altitude: Through explorations of GLOBE temperature data from two nearby locations in Germany, students learn how temperature varies with altitude.
Telling Earth's Stories with GLOBE Data (middle and high school activities)
Weather Tourists: Students build geography skills while learning how to find data using the GLOBE Data Visualization tool, sharing what they have learned in a tourism poster for a GLOBE school location.
Rainfall and Health: Students learn about the relationship between three infectious diseases and rainfall in the country of Benin.
Exploring Rainfall in the GLOBE Africa Region*: Through explorations of GLOBE rain depth data from Africa, students learn about seasonal patterns in locations affected by monsoons.
Comparing Croatia Climates*: Through explorations of GLOBE atmosphere data from Croatia, students will build understanding of two climate zones.
Investigating an Alaskan Spring Mystery*: Students learn about the timing of spring budburst, develop multiple working hypotheses about why timing differs year to year, and test hypotheses using environmental data collected by GLOBE students in Alaska to come to a conclusion about the factors that most impact timing of budburst on paper birch trees.
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