Careers in STEM

Careers in STEM

We offer several opportunities for students from 6th grade through graduate school to learn about careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). These resources will connect you with skill building opportunities at NCAR and UCAR while you’re on the path to becoming a scientist.

Atmospheric Science Career Profiles

Learn more about what atmospheric science professionals do for their jobs.

Job Shadow Guide

A job shadow is a learning experience that takes place at a business or organization in your community.

Meet the Experts Video Archive

What is it like to work at NCAR? Watch a previous Meet the Experts recording to see students meet live with NCAR experts, ask questions, and learn about their work.

GLOBE Virtual Science Symposium

The International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS) provides students with the chance to share their research, discuss that research with their peers, earn virtual badges, and receive feedback from a team of STEM professionals.

Become a NSF SOARS Protégé

Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science (SOARS) is designed to broaden participation in the atmospheric and related sciences.

Internship Opportunities

Students who participate in internships at UCAR and NCAR gain valuable experience, forge connections with leaders in their fields, and contribute to cutting-edge research projects.