Principal Investigators: Randy Russell, Susan Foster, Rajul Pandya
Funders: National Science Foundation via Colorado State University

Short Summary:

The Center for Multiscale Modeling of Atmospheric Processes (CMMAP) Science and Technology Center was an international consortium managed by Colorado State University. CMMAP developed a revolutionary approach to climate modeling to help us better understand the roles clouds play today and in the future as our climate changes.  

UCAR Center for Science Education’s two main contributions to CMMAP education efforts included 1) development of educational resources for K-12 education and 2) support for undergraduate and graduate students via the NSF SOARS Program. UCAR Center for Science Education created educational simulations, activities, and articles about clouds and climate for K-12 teachers and students. CMMAP resources can be found in the Learning Zone section of the website. The NSF SOARS Program is a workforce development program designed to broaden participation in Earth system science. Proteges conduct research in the geosciences, with multiple levels of mentoring over the course of one to four years. These activities contributed to CMMAP’s vision for education, which is “Earth-science literacy for students, teachers, policy makers, and the general public.”