[207] Science in the sky

Join us this month for a special collaboration of Meet the Experts and Scientists in Action*! Our atmosphere is far more than just a layer of air around the earth—it's a dynamic invisible ocean that's constantly flowing, shaping weather and moving energy around our planet. In turn our atmosphere above is regularly being impacted by human activity and natural processes below. But how do we know what's happening so far over our heads? The National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado is sponsored by the National Science Foundation to use specialized research airplanes that analyze atmospheric chemistry, monitor air quality, study clouds, track climate change, and more. Join the experts who care for these special science aircraft for a live look at aviation, atmospheric science and more, broadcasting live from NCAR’s Research Aviation Facility.

*Special collaborative program with the Denver Museum of Nature and Science! 

Season 2: 2021/2022 Meet the Experts Program, Episode 07

Janine Aquino and Andrew Green, Research Aviation Facility (RAF) - Early Observing Laboratory (EOL), NCAR