Super Science Saturday FAQ
Get your questions answered through our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Super Science Saturday.
Where is the event located?
The event is hosted at the NSF NCAR Mesa Lab at 1850 Table Mesa Drive, Boulder, CO 80305. Take a look at our Plan Your Trip page to learn how to navigate from the parking lot to the building. The building has a strict parking and occupancy capacity. Please consider carpooling, biking, or hiking to the event!
What should I expect from the event?
This fun extravaganza is a celebration of Earth science! There will be tables with activities, science demonstrations from the NSF NCAR Wizards, face painting, and much more. We pull out all the stops for this one-day event, all in the name of exploring science.
For those who may get overstimulated, please keep in mind that this is typically a loud and crowded event. We do have a quiet room for any visitors who may need a place to get away. If this room is needed, please ask for assistance from someone at the welcome table.
Who should attend the event?
Anyone is welcome at Super Science Saturday! This event is designed for families with young kids (typically ages 4-12 years old); however, we do get attendees of all ages who want to learn more about science in a fun and interactive way.
Are tickets necessary to reserve in advance?
There is no ticketing process in order to attend Super Science Saturday. You can come and go at your leisure, but keep in mind there may be a bit of a wait if the building is at capacity.
Some shows during the event will have wristband attendance for their performance in order to ensure we are keeping certain rooms under their capacity. Pick up a wristband for these at the wristband table, which the welcome table can help direct you to.
Do we have to pay to attend?
Super Science Saturday is a free event for the public! Thanks to the National Science Foundation (NSF), the UCAR Center for Science Education (SciEd), and Friends of the National Center (FoNC) for this showcase event. There is neither a cost for entry nor for parking.
Will the event be inside or outside?
Potentially a combination of both, depending on the weather! We plan an indoor-outdoor event, but if the weather doesn't cooperate we will move some festivities to be inside. Plan to dress accordingly if you would like the full indoor-outdoor experience.
Are masks or vaccinations required to attend the event?
Currently, masks and vaccinations are not required to take part in the event. Please keep in mind that some activities are located in the building where it may get crowded at times. Visitors are more than welcome to wear a mask at their discretion. On the day of the event, each visitor should assess their general health. If someone feels or appears ill, we ask that person to return on another day.
Will there be food and drink available?
The NSF NCAR Café is open for food and beverage service during the event and you can purchase your lunch by card or cash. There are also several water fountains available throughout the building, both for drinking and water bottle refill.
Where are accessible drop-off and parking located?
If you need an accessible drop-off, you can do so just after the stop sign on the right-hand side by the trailhead. This route is a short hill up to the building. If you need a route without a hill, please speak to a parking attendant and they can direct you to an alternate location. There are several accessible parking spots at the beginning of the parking lot. For more information about accessibility in the building, visit our accessibility page.