About Our Exhibits

About Our Exhibits

Touch a cloud, consider chaos, steer a hurricane, explore climate, take a look at the Sun, and browse art galleries. At the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) National Center for Atmospheric Research (NSF) in Boulder, CO, our exhibits will take you on a hands-on journey through the world of weather and climate.


Start your tour off in the Theater where we have a selection of weather and climate videos!

Air Quality Exhibit

How does the atmosphere affect human health? In the Air Quality Exhibit, you can find the answers to this question and more!

Weather Exhibit

Touch a cloud, learn how wind can change the landscape, and discover more about weather on Earth.

Climate Exhibit

What steps can we take to address climate change? Check out our second-floor Climate Exhibit to find the answers to these questions and more!

Sun-Earth Connections Exhibit

How do scientists study the Sun when it's millions of miles away? The Sun-Earth Connections exhibit has the answers to these questions and more!

Mesa Lab Architecture

How did I.M. Pei come up with his vision for the Mesa Lab? Enjoy the mountain view while you learn about the architecture of the Mesa Lab.

Layers of the Atmosphere

Discover how far into the atmosphere a weather balloon goes in the Layers of the Atmosphere exhibit.

NCAR Archives Gallery

The NCAR Archives Gallery includes photographs and artifacts spanning the history of the institution.

Art-Science Galleries

See how different artists use various media to communicate science in unique and creative ways in our Art-Science Galleries.

What Does A Scientist Look Like Exhibit

Learn about career and community scientists with connections to NSF NCAR and UCAR in our What Does a Scientist Look Like? exhibit. 

Weather Trail

As you hike the trail, learn about a variety of weather and climate features and how they affect Colorado's Front Range.

Digital Exhibits

Dig deeper into weather, climate, and more with the online version of the NCAR Mesa Lab Visitor Center exhibits.

Real People, Real Climate, Real Changes

Take a journey through climate change with a visit to the traveling exhibition, Real People, Real Climate, Real Changes.

View of NCAR Mesa Lab from the parking lot

The exhibits are open daily from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays and from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on weekends and holidays. Visitor Center staff is onsite and available to answer questions during weekday business hours only. Tours of NCAR and its Visitor Center and exhibits are offered on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at noon during normal business days.

Plan Your Trip to the NCAR Visitor Center
Cheyenne Super Computer at NWSC in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

You can also visit the NCAR-Wyoming Supercomputing Center.

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Screenshot of NCAR 360 Virtual Visit

Or visit NCAR virtually!

NCAR 360 Virtual Visits