Students learn that water flows downhill on land and that the shape of the land and the ability of water to soak into the ground influences whether a rainstorm causes a flash flood.
Students learn how flash flood risk and probability is assessed.
Build your own understanding of flash floods with additional resources, data, maps, and research.
Students learn how tornadoes form and the atmospheric conditions that are conducive to tornadoes.
Tornadoes, also called twisters, are rare and powerful weather events in which columns of air rotate dangerously fast. In this teaching box are resources to help students learn why and where tornadoes happen and how these weather events impact people’s lives.
Resource Type: Activities
Students will understand where tornadoes happen.
Students will learn how tornadoes impact communities and develop a safety plan.
These resources can be incorporated as homework, enhancements, or extensions.
Students learn how people and wildlife keep warm during cold winter weather.
Winter weather may cancel school, but it’s also an opportunity to learn science. This teaching box is filled with hands-on activities that get primary grade students to learn the science of winter weather including concepts of earth science. Explore the educational resources in this teaching box and bring snow and ice into your classroom!
Resource Type: Activities