How do clouds impact the climate? And how will climate change impact evaporation and precipitation? Discover how rising global temperatures are likely to accelerate evaporation and increase rainfall, but not everywhere.
Our climate is warming, which is changing the physical environments that support living systems. In many places, environments are changing so fast that plants and animals cannot keep up, endangering entire ecosystems.
Resource Type: Information
Extreme Events and Human Health
Greenland's Ice Is Melting
How is climate change impacting human health? Explore how shifts in extreme natural events, vector-borne diseases, and water will affect human populations.
Resource Type: Information
Hurricanes and Climate Change
How Melting Arctic Ice Affects Ocean Currents
Climate models predict that Earth’s global average temperate will rise in the future. By the end of the century, 2°C of warming may be inevitable and, if greenhouse gases continue to rise at current levels, warming of about 4°C (7.2°F) can be expected. Only with swift action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will we be able to reduce some of the projected impacts of climate change.
Resource Type: Information