Climate Exhibit

One wall of the Climate Exhibit showing wall signage, model of an ice core, and a cross section of tree rings.

What's the difference between climate and weather? How do we know our climate is changing? What steps can we take to address climate change? Check out our second-floor Climate Exhibit to find the answers to these questions and more!

  • Understand how our climate system works while comparing CO2 data from three research stations, including our very own Mesa Lab roof.
  • Explore the Earth's climate through interactives and videos. Hear first-person climate stories from people around the world.
  • Test out how your daily choices can affect the Earth's climate with the Choose Our Future interactive.
  • How can we adapt to or reduce climate change? Test your knowledge about climate change solutions with our hands-on exhibits.
  • Share your climate story and read how others have experienced climate change in Boulder, Colorado and beyond!
  • Find out how scientists learn about ancient climates using ice extracted from polar ice sheets and glaciers.
  • Learn the story that tree rings can tell us about climate over time and examine a segment from a 491-year-old tree!
  • Before heading out to the Walter Orr Roberts Weather Trail, listen to climate data interpreted through musical instruments to hear the sound of climate change. We also have an online interactive version of our Sounding Climate exhibit!

A view of the climate exhibit that shows the "Choose Your Future" interactive with exhibit signs along the walls on both the left and right sides.