Weather Exhibit

A bubbling cloud from the cloud machine.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to touch a cloud? Or how the wind can change Earth's landscape? You can find the answers to these questions and more in the Weather exhibit!

Featured Topics

  • Scientists gather observations and create sophisticated models to improve forecasts.;
  • Wind and rain can transform our landscape and impact human lives.
  • NSF NCAR-developed technology and research has contributed to the field of meteorology.


The physical interactives listed below are just a few of the many throughout this exhibit!

  • Find out what a cloud feels like in the Sea of Clouds.
  • Wait, watch, and feel as a tornado forms indoors!
  • Air in our atmosphere flows like a liquid around Earth. Give our Turbulent Orb a spin and watch the effect.


Use the touchscreens found throughout the exhibit to learn more about the weather, explore photos and videos, play weather-related games, and create storms with interactive simulations.

The hallway for the Weather Exhibit with the tornado machine in the middle.