Lesson 4 - Project Resilience
Lesson 5 - Project Resilience
Lesson 6 - Project Resilience
Lesson 7 - Project Resilience
Lesson 8 - Project Resilience
Project Resilience is a 20-day high school curriculum that helps students examine the environmental challenges facing communities along the Gulf of Mexico and learn about resilience planning using a resilience planning toolkit.
Resource Type: Activities, Curriculum units
Project Resilience Pilot Project
"As far back as I can remember, I've always been curious about storms," says Aaron Pratt. When he was a small boy, his mother compared him to Sesame Street's Count von Count because they both got so excited whenever there was thunder and lightning.
As a teenager in the 1980s, Aimee Norton was an aspiring astronaut. At that time, the conventional path to outer space usually meant enrolling in the Air Force Academy, something that didn't appeal to her. She would eventually find herself drawn to the field of astronomy instead.
Amik spends much of his time studying numerical methods for solving partial differential equations, also known as PDEs.